On Tuesday, 14 June 2016 at 00:19:54 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 06/12/2016 04:46 AM, Dicebot wrote:
That is matter of design philosophy. For me such basic library
primitives warrant C++ attitude of "don't pay for what you don't ask for" - and everything else, including actual feature completeness, is of
negligible importance compared to that.

C++'s input iterator model also predicates multiple accesses to the current value by means of *it.

Yeah, I don't say C++ iterator model is any better for that kind of design - sorry if my wording implied that. I wonder how they would address it if pipeline approach would ever become popular in C++.

See my response to Steven - probably my main issue is wanting some very different concept, dedicated stream/pipeline abstraction that would still be usable with all the same std.algorithm

It seems to me, sometimes if I went by what this forum agrees upon I'd write one thousand lines of code one day and remove it the next.

Please don't take my rants in the NG as a serious call to action. I am simply sharing my concerns in a relevant topic - if there was anything pragmatical I could propose, I'd take it to the mail list instead or even right a DIP. To be honest, I'd even prefer if you ignored _any_ request/proposal which is not submitted as such. NG can't be taken as a base for reasoning.

Phobos indeed doesn't seem to make such priorities right now and that is
one of reasons I am growing increasingly unhappy with it.

What steps do you think we could take with Phobos to make it better without breaking backward compatibility?

Introducing `std2` package is technically not breaking backwards compatibility but I presume this is not what you have meant ;) I don't know - as I have already said, otherwise I'd actually taken some more constructive actions instead of throwing complaints.

If I'd have a say in designing brand new Phobos, it would be very different - async by default, with a strict separation of lightweight @nogc algorithm and API core (fitting even for embedded env) and all the feature rich additional modules built on top. This is not kind of stuff one simply "fixes" in existing mature library.

At the same time, I am not even sure if it is even important to fix. It is good enough for any kind of general purpose development, good for productivity. And bigger projects with hard performance concerns and maintenance costs tend to grow their own "standard" libraries anyway.

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