On Monday, 27 June 2016 at 15:43:03 UTC, luminousone wrote:
Modern C++ is a train-wreck, I don't think we should consider D features around the flaws of another language.

RAII is the same in C++, but actually better supported in C++ atm.

Luckily we don't have to code with the worry of labyrinth like namespaces so deep and bloated that the language needs a special keyword to let the compiler know that the following blobby mass is a typename.

Namespaces tend to be shallow, not deep. "typename" is a syntax compatibility issue, not a namespace issue. I don't think I understand your argument?

But if D keeps adding syntactical sugar and many ways of doing the same thing like C++, it will end up in the same bloated spot with no hope of recovery.

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