On 9/4/2016 10:56 AM, David Nadlinger wrote:
This is short-sighted, for the reason I pointed out in my earlier post. How
would you go about reporting an ICE for a 100k LOC test case without any idea
about where to start looking?

I do that often. Binary search quickly reduces even the biggest code size. Manually, or using dustmite which works amazingly well.

You can even compile with -v and which will give approximately where in the test case it failed, which makes the initial paring down of source code even faster.

They can create bug reports to help other people to do so, though.

The bug report I need is the assert location, and a test case that causes it. Users do not need to supply any other information.

I do appreciate, however, when one of our team takes the time to look at such a bug report and makes the effort to narrow things down, and even propose solutions. But this is not expected of users, and the file/line of the assert is self-explanatory to the compiler dev looking at it (at least as self-explanatory as a message like "variable x was not 3 like it was expected to be".)

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