On 09/12/2016 12:14 AM, Manu via Digitalmars-d wrote:
I think I'm about as happy with my colour lib as I'm going to be.
It really needs reviews.

Upon a quick look it seems to have the right amount of "notes", as Emperor Joseph II would say. Well balanced, nothing jumping at you. Nice work. Regarding Phobos suitability: One thing I'd like to hear from the community is the applicability of this work. I know very little about colors (only the RGB was familiar from HTML etc, but then there was no YUL), but that doesn't mean much. The library is quite isolated from the rest of Phobos, e.g. a stronger case would be made if there were some std.experimental.canvas package which uses the color package. Or at least a std.experimental.terminal package or something. A good case for inclusion would motivate the presence of the library as a catalyst for many user-level abstractions. -- Andrei

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