I sort of feel that issues.dlang.org is an unmaintained mess. Anyone has access to it every aspect of editing anyone else's issue, so anyone could be added really without any oversight. There's no editing one's comments so I often see people making multiple posts to themselves to add more information or to correct themselves. That's just a minor issue. There are 16k issues (I'm guessing every ID basically means a unique issue) for DMD alone. It has some issues where an individual made a comment, no tags or anything was set, and then 2-3 years later its remained like that til someone reserves it with a change or comment Only for there only to be that one additional comment then the issue gets buried for another year or so. There are so many like this and it is unclear what exactly the issue is or what needs to be done with it. Almost every issue is like this as well. There are some discussions in some of the issues but a lot of the times nothing seems to be done about them.

Anyways for the site itself, it seems to be lacking features. When viewing issues as a list there isn't that much information about the issue, other than the summary. Things that are listed with an issue: The ID, it's alright I guess can be useful from the list, knowing the issue number to reference it in a pull request or other issue. The "Product", completely useless, is D for everything on the site essentially. The "Comp", that's fine for searching for errors across multiple but kind of useless when viewing the issue list for a single project. The "assignee", kind of useless and it's never used, only every seen it set to "nobody". The "Status", kind of useless don't need to know that information, just need to know if it is open or closed and that shouldn't really be part of the list ; if I search for issues I should just specify if I want them to be open or not. The "Resolution", only ever seen it as "---", maybe it means something for closed issues but I haven't seen any closed issues. So what is the point of the list if it doesn't display any useful information. There's no, "needs work", or "enhancement" or any other description that can add to what the issue is or what it needs to have done to it. When there are 16k+ issues, having better information in the list view is desired. To make searching for an issue easier, rather than having to click on each one individually item to get more information from it. There's no lack of space, especially when almost every column could be removed for something with more useful information.

So now there are this many issues and it probably won't be an easy task to go through all of them and determine which ones are actually valid. To weed out all the issues that can simply be deleted. It would be nice to know what needs to be done for an issue, if it is a small enhancement and can simply get a PR to add the functionality. If it is a bit bigger of an enhancement and needs a DIP to add the functionality. Or whether an issue exists and how the issue needs to be handled. Is it a feature that was implemented incorrectly and needs to be reworked. Or was it possibly an oversight of a combination of features and a more thought out solution needs to be created, which might involve something more extreme as removing a previous feature.

Well wrote more than I planned to, didn't re-read it though, probably should considering I won't be able to edit it. Oh well.

TLDR; The issue system in place right now needs to be removed and a better system with oversight put in place. Rather than the wildwest it is now, with no oversight and issues existing for years before anyone looks at them. If anyone even ever looks at them. Some of them aren't even real issues and they just end up clogging the pipes, so to speak.

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