On Thursday, 15 December 2016 at 13:49:26 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 12/14/2016 10:26 PM, Meta wrote:
On Tuesday, 13 December 2016 at 22:33:24 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:



What's the main goal with this proposal?

If the document does not clarify that, please let me know of specifics. Thanks. -- Andrei

Well of course it is about DCDs, but I am talking more about the underlying motivation. The listed benefits of DCDs from the DIP:

1. Specifies dependencies at declaration level, not at module level. This allows reasoning about the dependency cost of declarations in separation instead of aggregated at module level.

2. Dependency-Carrying Declarations are easier to move around, making for simpler and faster refactorings.

3. Dependency-Carrying Declarations allow scalable template libraries... Distributing a template library in the form of Dependency-Carrying Declarations creates a scalable, pay-as-you-go setup.

It seems to me that making all imports lazy accomplishes 3, which is the real prize. 1 and 2 are nice to have, but it doesn't seem to me that the added complexity of the inline import feature is worth it when the biggest bang for our buck is not 1 or 2, but 3.

So my question is, what do you want? Is your primary goal to introduce DCDs into the language to allow for easier refactoring and having it made more clear which imports a declaration uses, or is it to make imports "pay as you go" such that a user only pays for what they actually use and it's more or less transparent to them? You argue in the DIP that DCDs give us all 3 so we don't have to choose, but as I said previously, DCDs will not give us the biggest ROI compared to the cost of the feature.

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