What about allowing syntax sugar as an alternative to relying on the new
`from/Module` inline import idiom:

void fun(T)(std.stdio::File input, T value) if (std.traits::isIntegral!T)

instead of:

void fun(T)(Module!"std.stdio".File input, T value) if
(Module!"std.traits".isIntegral!T) {...}


* this reads much better (less noise); same as `=>` syntax for lambdas

* this is expected to be a very common pattern, so might as well make it as
simple as possible

* not particular on which symbol is used, could be something else, so long
it doesn't involve writing a string such as from!"std.traits". But :: will
be familiar to those coming from C++/rust etc.

* from!"" is too loose and can be abused arbitrarily:

// this compiles
void fun(){
  from!"std.stdio; pragma(msg,`abuse...`); import std.stdio".File a;

Furthermore this is useful in other scenarios, namely when an import is
used only once in a context:
auto fun(){  return std.file::getcwd; }
is more DRY; instead of:
auto fun(){ static import std.file;  return std.file.getcwd; }
auto fun(){ return Module!"std.file".getcwd; }

NOTE: if :: is not feasible for whatever reason, let's consider other
symbols without prejudice to this proposal.

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