On Fri, Mar 03, 2017 at 07:49:06PM +0000, Jared Jeffries via Digitalmars-d 
> > Yeah.  I am actually skeptical of the whole GUI koolaid.  I'm pretty
> > sure having a GUI is not a necessity to implementing the equivalent
> > functionality of an IDE in a text-mode editor.
> Personally I'm using a mix of Geany, Coedit and Code::Blocks for D
> development, depending on what I'm doing on that moment (coding,
> fixing compilation errors or debugging).
> All three IDE are fine, the GUI "koolaid" works well, and moreover
> they start quickly on my venerable Linux laptop.

If it works well with your workflow, then all the more power to you!

All I'm saying is that, contrary to popular belief, GUI is not a
*necessity* to implement the supposed superior features of IDEs over
editors. After all, editors *have* advanced in the past 30-40 years too.

> Stop trying to convince only the expert programmers, most of them are
> probably not interested in leaving their C++, Java or C# language and
> IDE for D...

That's a curious statement, because I was trained mainly as a C/C++
programmer, and still use them for my job every day. I was very
well-versed in the intricacies of C, and somewhat C++, yet I was very
unhappy with them.  For several years I would scour the net during my
free time to look for a better language.  I wasn't very impressed with D
the first time I saw it, for various reasons, and it wasn't until I
found a copy of TDPL in a local bookstore and decided on a whim to buy
it, that I really got started with D.  And the rest, as they say, is
history. :D

Even though I suspect that I'm in the minority here, I'm pretty sure
there's got to be others out there in C/C++ land who are like me,
longing for a better language but just haven't found a suitable
candidate yet.  So don't discount us C/C++ veteran folk just yet!


Many open minds should be closed for repairs. -- K5 user

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