On Fri, Mar 03, 2017 at 01:45:50PM -0500, Nick Sabalausky (Abscissa) via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
> But I do really wish though, that the IDE devs would start
> prioritizing efficiency, UI snappiness, and startup time. Yea, those
> toold do more, but they don't do THAT much more that would
> technologically necessitate THAT much of a performance discrepancy.
> (The plain-old-editors are far more capable than I think IDE users
> seem to beleive).

Yeah.  I am actually skeptical of the whole GUI koolaid.  I'm pretty
sure having a GUI is not a necessity to implementing the equivalent
functionality of an IDE in a text-mode editor.  In fact, I've heard of
Vim scripts that let you invoke a compiler and upon encountering a
compile error correctly jump to the right line in the buffer containing
the offending source file.  And invoking a debugger from an editor isn't
exactly rocket science (and has been done since decades ago). And in
theory, one could also invoke an external D lexer/parser to refactor
code automatically (though IMAO, if you find yourself regularly reaching
for the code refactor button, then something's wrong with the way you
write code -- perhaps you ought to be thinking a bit harder before
typing out code, y'know, like design stuff before coding, like the
crusty old textbooks say).


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