On Tuesday, 7 March 2017 at 18:06:05 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

Like bachmeier, I have found D arrays (well, slices) to be exactly how I expect arrays to work. The "determinism issue" is really only a problem in exceptional cases where you probably should be using a custom type instead. Or in cases where you're worried about performance and therefore have to understand the nitty-gritty of exactly how slices work in all possible cases -- something that you already have to learn in the first place, if performance is a concern. I love D arrays, warts and all.

Yep. If you want to give someone enough rope to get maximum performance, you have to give them enough rope to shoot themselves in the foot. Once you've moved into this territory, you've made a decision to throw away safety and convenience in the name of performance, and you better understand what you're doing.

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