On Thursday, 27 April 2017 at 19:36:44 UTC, Ben wrote:

Frankly seeing in this example that the GC was in theory able to kick in 6 times in a simple 100 item loop, that is not efficient. I if did my own memory management, the variable cleanup will have been done in one go, right after the loop.

Please reread that bit.

"there were six total GC allocations in the loop. That means there were six opportunities for the GC to collect garbage."

Keyword: opportunities. There were six allocations, not six collections. The GC only "kicks in" when it needs to reclaim memory. In this case, the six allocations are made by the array management in DRuntime. It's the same as you allocating with `new` six times. In all of those cases, as long as the GC has room in its pool from which to allocate, there will be no collections.

Preallocate as much as possible and minimize the number of GC allocations (allocate on the stack where possible and through malloc where necessary) and the GC is not going to get in the way for most D programs you write.

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