Liam McGillivray wrote:

On Sunday, 11 June 2017 at 00:27:06 UTC, ketmar wrote:
..and it actually should be D1.5, not D3. ;-) 'cause D3 implies even more features, and i feel that the way to get The Perfect D (sorry! ;-) is trying to cut all the features that aren't strictly necessary (including fat-free stdlib too: i see stdlib as a part of the language).

D1.5? What? This has nothing to do with D1.

and D1.5 too. sure it should be forked from D2, and then it should be made *smaller*. which, essentially, makes it D1.5, not D3. besides, it will be very fun explaining people that we have D1, then D2, and the newest version is D1.5. people will blog/tweet this, for sure. free PR!

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