On Monday, 19 June 2017 at 22:35:42 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
My take on D's GC problem, also spoiler - I'm going to build a new one soonish.

Looks like I'm not the only one itching to have a go at D's GC :) This will very likely be my DConf 2018 project. However, I have slightly different plans:

- The GC should be usable as a library (mainly to facilitate testing).
- Support for all platforms D already supports from the start.
- Use design-by-introspection when applicable and design-by-contract elsewhere to split the design into modular components. - Make the GC configurable (using policies) and swappable at runtime. (No need to get clever, just treat previous implementation's pools as opaque void[]). - Support concurrency on Windows via anonymous memory-mapped files. - Support generational collection using write barriers implemented through memory protection.
- Integrate existing GC work - don't reinvent the wheel.
- More, much more debugging facilities! Integrate Diamond and Valgrind interoperability.
- Gray-marking and compacting.
- Still need to look at immix.

I have some past work that I'd like to integrate (an experimental generational GC I wrote like 9 years ago for D1, Diamond, and Valgrind integration I have in a fork somewhere.)

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