On Tuesday, 4 July 2017 at 04:49:29 UTC, Manu wrote:
I've been using code-d for a while, and it generally works well. I've also noticed there's another plugin available, which at the time I first looked, appeared to be older and less-featured than code-d.

I've recently had a couple of colleagues ask me which plugin to install, and I noticed that both seem to be up-to-date these days, and this leads to confusion.

Looking at the feature list, it appears that both plugins do mostly the
same stuff.
My feeling is, having 2 very similar plugins is confusing to potential users, and it undermines user confidence. Ie, users have the feeling that they're competing hacky things maintained by some guy, rather than something that's more 'official' with consolidated community support. I also tend to presume in these situations that the 'proper' one is the one with the most users/installs, but that's not clear either in this case. I know this has nothing to do with the truth, but it's about perception and
first impressions. Little things matter.

If authors of both plugins are active here, I ask; why have 2 separate
I can't imagine any reason for divergence. I would be a lot more
comfortable if there was only one with multiple contributors. Projects with many contributors always inspire a lot more confidence than multiple
overlapping projects with one contributor each...

So, is there a reason not to merge the projects beyond ego?

hi, code-d author here.

I personally think a merge of all of our features into one plugin would be a great idea but the problem is that the plugins work a lot differently in the code level. My plugin uses workspace-d to abstract dfmt, dcd and dscanner so the extension doesn't need to know about it and dlang-vscode simply uses the extensions directly. I am also planning on further abstracting code-d using serve-d and Microsoft's Language Server Protocol for a wider adoption and better support across editors, but that also means that the extension code will be mostly thrown out and converted to D. While this isn't such a big problem for me because most code was already in workspace-d, I think if we implemented all the features from dlang-vscode it would be a lot of work not to break things. And doing it the other way around (merging my code into dlang-vscode) would mean that all the abstraction goes away and that it would be a vscode only plugin. code-d is basically the same as the one for atom or sublime text, just with all the features implemented instead of just a subset. While I didn't really support atom or sublime text for a while, I still think it's a good idea to keep these projects around for anyone who wants to implement workspace-d or serve-d into their extension as example reference how to implement them.

But if the authors of dlang-vscode could contact me on IRC for example (WebFreak on #d on freenode) we might be able to find a solution to improve the situation and either merge into one plugin or share some code and ideas.

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