Am Tue, 18 Jul 2017 18:10:58 +0000
schrieb Atila Neves <>:
> Now I've read your post properly: there is only one destructor. 
> With the fix I mentioned, just don't defined the `shared` 
> version, there's no need to. Postblit is still a problem, however.
> Atila

The issue is wider than just `shared` by the way:
Some may jump to say that an immutable struct can't be
destructed, but my perspective here is that immutable only
applies to what the compiler can introspect. A file descriptor
or an opaque struct pointer from a C API are just flat values
and escape the compiler. They can be stored in an immutable
struct and still need `close()` called on them.
Layman's head-const :p


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