On Friday, 28 July 2017 at 14:58:01 UTC, Ali wrote:
How do you use D?
One work project a few years ago, and many side projects. rdmd makes D my "scripting" language of choice.

In work, (key projects or smaller side projects)
The need for single executable with the speed of C prompted me to finally dig into D, which I had been watching since 2007, or so. Most of my work is C++(Qt) - but the dependencies or need for installers made that undesireable for this project. I used D to build a model processing core component for an online service. All were happy with the experience.

in your side project, (github, links please)
I'm cooking up some bigger projects, beyond random scripts, but they are on private Fossil servers. I aim to make them public, when they get further along.... I meant to be coding right now!

Did you introduce D to your work place? How? What challenges did you face?
I don't tilt at those windmills anymore. It works for me. I'd rather be coding.

What is you D setup at work, which compiler, which IDE?
https://code.dlang.org/packages/dlangide while I can, but
mostly Dlang plugin integration with Visual Studio Code

And any other fun facts you may want to share :)
I made some commandline utilities in D that would parse, process, and export 100K line files with an in-memory SQLite db and resources easily embedded in the executable. When I gave them to colleagues to use, they thought my code didn't work at all - because it executed and returned practically instantly. They were used to the 10s of seconds execution times of Ruby and Python!

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