On Fri, 2017-07-28 at 19:50 +0000, Anton Fediushin via Digitalmars-d
> It is more about marketing. Maybe Go is not a perfect language, 
> maybe not even a good one, but it's sold so good because of a 
> good marketing

In the end Go is about interns at Google not making errors in Google
code. It is also about some people liking it and being able to produce
libraries and systems. And of course having lots of hype. I have to
admit using Gogland as an IDE I quite like developing code with Go.

> So, calling D a "better C++" is a bad advertisement. But if you 
> rename it to '<anything>Script', for example "DatScript" and sell 
> it as "better, statically typed JavaScript dialect which compiles 
> into fast native executables" it will became #1 language on 
> GitHub in no time.

In 2004 maybe "D as better C++" was a good line. In 2017 "D is a
general purpose programming language that allow faster development time
than C++, Go, and Rust" is a far better line?

> I am talking about community, not language. C++ community is so 
> huge that they cannot work together on the language, which leads 
> to different compilers supporting different features and 
> different frameworks for same purposes not compatible with each 
> other. So, instead of making something useful, C++ community 
> rewrites same code over and over again in the way they think it 
> should be done.
> It happens to new C++ specifications, when some feature got 
> rejected and one compiler implements it, but others doesn't.

There is only one C++ standard, anyone using extras other than TR ones
is not using C++, they have created their own language based on C++.

Dr Russel Winder      t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip: sip:russel.win...@ekiga.net
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