I've already received enough "No, not interested" answers till now to the same proposal to think that this will be ok this time.

Add my voice to that corpus - I honestly don't care what the website looks like.

Ok, message received. At least I've got my answer for the PR. Thanks for your honesty. Sincerely.

Now, to be 100% honest with you, I'm still convinced it DOES matter, because many people who have heard about D, whether it's in a conference, on a blog or article or by a colleague, will eventually land on the main page of this website.

Then they will have to decide if they install the compiler and learn D, or not.

And I'm pretty sure many won't, for the reasons explained.

Now you know EXACTLY, to the smallest detail, what I would personally do to fix that...

And yes, call it masochism, I continue proposing the change over and over, because I'm totally convinced that those changes to the dlang.org landing page are REALLY needed.

I haven't called it anything, yet, but if I were to call it something, it would be insanity, because I see no causal link between proposing the same thing repeatedly and other peoples' interests.

LOL. Ok so let's be insane once again... ;)

My proposal is to :

1. Say "Welcome"

2. Show how D is nice, ending with a link to the feature page

3. Show how simple D code looks like, using 4 well chosen examples, with the first on the right of the main page.

4. Show how easy it is to learn D.

5. Show how easy it is to install DMD and a simple editor like CoEdit on any win/mac/linux computer.

In practice, the landing page should be something like that :

"Welcome to D

What is D?

D is the culmination of decades of experience implementing compilers for many diverse languages and has a unique set of features:

    high level constructs for great modeling power
    high performance, compiled language
    static typing
    direct interface to the operating system API's and hardware
    blazingly fast compile-times
    memory-safe subset (SafeD)
    maintainable, easy to understand code
gradual learning curve (C-like syntax, similar to Java and others)
    compatible with C application binary interface
    limited compatibility with C++ application binary interface
multi-paradigm (imperative, structured, object oriented, generic, functional programming purity, and even assembly)
    built-in error detection (contracts, unittests)

... and many more {features}.

Take a tour

Want to try D online ? Simply click on the "run" button (or Ctrl-enter) below the example on the right to compile and run it. And the example can be freely edited if you want to experiment with D programming.

If you want to see other examples, click on the "next" button below to see the next example of the dlang-tour.

Further readings

* New to programming? Learn programming quickly and easily with the D language, using these freely downloadable books :

  * {http://ddili.org/ders/d.en/index.html}
  * {https://www.tutorialspoint.com/d_programming/}

* Already an experienced programmer? ...

  * etc etc ...

Installing D


* {https://dlang.org/download.html}

* {https://github.com/BBasile/Coedit}";

Four D examples for the Dlang-Tour :

* How to declare, use and print variables (bool, int, float, string, int[], int[string]).
  * How to declare imperative functions
  * How to declare classes with attributes and methods
* How to call functions and methods with the dot notation, with or without parentheses

Still not convinced ?

No problem, I don't even know why I care in making D grows its community to have more money, and thus more manpower to get improved, while the current version is already perfect to my personal scripting needs.

Anyway, feel free to copy-paste the changes I've suggested, they are 100% free to use...

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