On Wednesday, 18 October 2017 at 00:05:06 UTC, codephantom wrote:
Again, philosophy != religion. Why do these terms get confused so much?

I didn't mean they would be. I think that "D is not a religion" means that whatever philosophy it has it is not cast in stone. Not that it has no philosophy.

Like you said, a certain kind of freedom is probably 1# in D philosophy but that does not mean it's the only part. Other thinkgs I could think of for example:

-Let the programmer take charge, but make sure he's aware of it when doing so.

-In "normal" code, first safety, then correctness, then performance, then expressiveness. Allow the user to shuffle this order but don't encourage it.

-Don't strive for absolute minimalism, but aim for, in Alexandrescus words, "power-to-weight-ratio".

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