On 2017-10-26 00:53, Adam Wilson wrote:

This of course makes the assumption that we clean-room our own protocol implementations which I am entirely against. Better to use what already exists.

I'm entirely against anything that is not compatible with vibe.d ;)

I actually don't think the slow updates are huge problem as these DB interface libraries are pretty slow to change themselves. For example, ADO.NET didn't change significantly from it's 1.0 release until the arrival of Async/Await in .NET 4.5, which was 10 years later. The biggest addition prior to Async was TVP support and that was tiny comparatively and came in 2005.

The libpq5 interface has barely changed in years. I can't speak to MySQL but IIRC it hasn't changed much either, at least not in a way that would effect the abstraction layer.

I'm more concerned that I don't think we'll manage to implement a complete API and 100% bug free at the first try.

/Jacob Carlborg

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