On Tuesday, 31 October 2017 at 21:21:46 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
But my point is that the kind of typical hobby stuff and a huge (HUGE) subset of other work too functions perfectly well with 32 bit, yes, even with optlink. You can do web applications, desktop applications, games, all kinds of things with the out-of-the-box dmd install and nobody will be the wiser of 32 vs 64 bit unless someone makes a specific stink over it.

My 'hobby stuff' involves pushing things to their limit..and beyond... ;-)

Just now, on my 24GB mem desktop, I could malloc 21GB of contiguous memory!

If I use -m32, that reduces to 1GB.

Anyway...when you going to give us another surmon?

Was Andrei the last angel to come visit Walter?

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