On Thursday, 28 December 2017 at 21:58:07 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 12/28/2017 5:22 AM, Atila Neves wrote:
On Thursday, 28 December 2017 at 07:21:28 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 12/27/2017 1:23 PM, Atila Neves wrote:
However, my experience has been that D has fast builds from scratch, but is really really slow for incremental builds.
You can do fast incremental builds with D by not putting all the files on the command line. Just put one.

I don't build the compiler command-line myself, nor do I want to. Even then, recompiling one file isn't useful to me, what is is to recompile what's needed and run the tests. Emacs/flycheck already highlights compilation errors in just one file.

I don't understand. C++ compiles files one at a time. You can do the same in D. How can this model be useful in C++ but not with D?


. As Iain pointed out independently, D modules are like C/C++ headers. All dependencies must also be recompiled. If I edit a C++ source file, only that source file has to be recompiled. I can use .di files, and they can even be generated for me (nice!) but there's no build system to do this properly. This is one of the ideas I alluded to earlier - I want to put this sort of thing in reggae. And now that dmd is a dub package I can even just use the actual compiler code. i.e. Generate the .di, if it's the same as before don't overwrite the old one to not mess with the timestamp.

. C++ doesn't have built-in unit tests. Which means a framework has to be used and since nobody wants to put their tests in #ifdef "blocks" they live in separate files. Changing the implementation doesn't require the tests to be rebuilt. Yes, I can separate them in D too, but then I lose DDoc benefits and it's actually nicer to see tests next to the code. The fact that all D files are effectively headers means editing a unittest means recompiling all modules that depend on the current one.

. Related to the previous point: compiling separately in D is actually slower overall than by package, because of all of the dependencies (I measured). Yes, I can compile by package, but I don't want to do this by hand. To the extent of my knowledge the only way to get per-package compilation by default or otherwise in the D ecosystem is reggae. But:

. Until recently, it wasn't possible to use __traits(getUnitTests) with separate compilation. I've run into other issues with when doing so (I can't remember what they were). Even with the bug fix editing a test entails compiling several modules and it's slower than just one C++ file. In C++ editing a test source file always means recompiling exactly one file.

. Speaking of dependencies, there's no easy way currently to know what they are. _If_ I want to build per package/module and only build what's needed, then I need to either hand-roll a Makefile (points gun to head) or use reggae. If there's any other alternative, I don't know about it. Even Phobos recompiles the world. That's not a good example to set.

. C++ test framework's hacky usage of global variable assignment to register tests seems to be faster to compile than D's compile-time reflection to achieve the same result. I'd have to benchmark to be sure though.

. If one has dub dependencies (and in all likelihood one has), then either one is a reggae early adopter (I keep mentioning it to highlight why I wrote it in the first place), or in the 99.9% of other users typing either `dub build` or `dub test`. There is no per-package build option. There's a per-module option, but it's single-threaded, therefore slow. Also, no dependency tracking, so let's recompile the whole dub package! In one thread. Zzzzzzzzz.

What I really want is to hit F5 in emacs, rebuild the current file _and_ all of its dependencies, cache the dependency build per file so that if they haven't change don't rebuild, link and run the unit tests. But build _only_ what's needed to avoid linker errors in order to be able to run the unit tests for _one_ file.

I spent an afternoon writing the necessary elisp to get this done and it worked! Then I tried a different project and it failed miserably. So did the 3rd one. I think I just remembered one of the separate compilation bugs I mentioned above. I know, I know, if I don't file it it won't get fixed (even if I file it I have a sneaky suspicion it'll be me fixing it anyway), but figuring out what went wrong takes time and energy and I haven't had enough of either to take this off my TODO list.

To summarise:

. Dependencies.
. There's no standard build system that isn't called dub.
. There's only one alternative build system that can do any of what's needed. . That alternative build system hasn't implemented my .di idea yet. . Separate compilation bugs. That nobody ever hits because dub builds everything at once.


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