On 2/18/18 3:01 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Sunday, February 18, 2018 19:42:07 Johan Engelen via Digitalmars-d wrote:
There are hundreds of lines I need to molest to make the
compiler shut up. I won't type another line of code on my
colour library until this noise is gone... I will not maintain
it. I am emotionally incapable of assaulting my code with those

Using the `-transition=intpromote` compile flag is no option for

Since that's a transition flag, it's really only a stop-gap solution. So, if
his issue is that he doesn't like having the casts in his code as opposed to
not wanting to deal with updating his code right now, the flag really
doesn't help.

No, -transition=intpromote is not stopgap, it's a flag to switch behavior to the new way. The stopgap is simply that you need to use the switch to get the new behavior (eventually, you will not need the switch). Everyone who is receiving these warnings should address each one, and THEN always compile their code with -transition=intpromote. Then, you may actually be able to remove some of the casts.

But you will still need casts in many cases.

However, there is one case where I think even without the intpromote flag is sent, that only a single cast should be necessary:

byte b = byte.min;

b = cast(byte)-b;

This is the same value whether you use intpromote or not. But this prints the deprecation unless you do:

b = cast(byte)-cast(int)b;

Which is awful.


P.S. yes, Walter, I created a bugzilla for this :)

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