On Wednesday, 4 April 2018 at 05:31:10 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

We can certainly try it, I'd be interested to see it's impact. The biggest problem Phobos is facing at the moment is total number of reviewers. There have been, in the past few weeks, three people reviewing PRs with regularity, with more people popping up occasionally. I totally understand that people are busy, but it's near impossible to keep up with that many reviewers. The main reason the PR queue is so long for Phobos right now is we are way ahead of 2017 H2's pace with an average of 15 PRs merged per day vs 9.3, mainly due to the pace of people creating new PRs. We've been falling behind this past month with only 5 merged per day on average, while the number of new PRs didn't slow down, which allowed the open PRs to ballon to over 120.

I think that more organization might help keep more reviewers involved.

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