On Friday, 4 May 2018 at 11:35:22 UTC, Sjoerd Nijboer wrote:

I think D could play a bigger role in education since its such a "clean" language that is flexible but doesn't have any real gotcha "features".

Umm, that is completely untrue, as it is for pretty much any programming language.

Its also a language that could potentially be used over someones entire college career as the primary language. If this would be achieved there would be a higher income flow into the industry of young D programmers which will pollute other programmers with the D mind and featureset.


Students should learn C first, Java second. Not one or the other, both!

Then, perhaps, they will begin to understand the basics of computer programming - from both extremes.

D could be a postgrad interest perhaps.

And what's earning an income got to do with anything? It's a stupid concept that humans have imposed on themselves, and it's the primary cause of all things that are wrong with society. The sooner we move to universal incomes, the better grauate programmers we'll get, cause they'll be studying it because it actually interests them, as opposed to being motived by its' 'earning' capacity.

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