On Friday, 1 June 2018 at 20:07:59 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
On Friday, 1 June 2018 at 16:41:21 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
I would file a bug, but I don't have time to dig into this now, and it would just sit there with no response for six months anyway.

I cannot find a way to get std.net.curl to work with Ubuntu 18.04. Details can be found here:
but that only lets you install the package without having a broken package management system. It resolves nothing wrt actually being able to use curl, which is part of the standard library, and should be expected to work.

I tried using the install script, but that leads to this bug
which was filed more than a month ago and still hasn't received a response.

This experiment with having a new release every couple of weeks was fun, but can we please be realistic about our resources, and move to a sensible schedule. D is simply not an option in situations that require reliability. And all the various deprecations and language changes that are inserted in these high-frequency releases (changes of arbitrary size can come with little warning in *any* release) make it that much more difficult.

I think this was resolved by installing libcurl4-gnutls-dev, removing the existing dmd, and reinstalling. Whatever the problem was, this does not create a good impression. We have to stop releasing so often. No other major language that I've used has problems like this.

Your failure is that D is not a major language. It's like saying that "No other dogs I've come across meow, why does this dog meow"? It's a cat stupid!! :0

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