On Friday, 1 June 2018 at 16:41:21 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
I would file a bug, but I don't have time to dig into this now, and it would just sit there with no response for six months anyway.

I cannot find a way to get std.net.curl to work with Ubuntu 18.04. Details can be found here:
but that only lets you install the package without having a broken package management system. It resolves nothing wrt actually being able to use curl, which is part of the standard library, and should be expected to work.

I tried using the install script, but that leads to this bug
which was filed more than a month ago and still hasn't received a response.

This experiment with having a new release every couple of weeks was fun, but can we please be realistic about our resources, and move to a sensible schedule. D is simply not an option in situations that require reliability. And all the various deprecations and language changes that are inserted in these high-frequency releases (changes of arbitrary size can come with little warning in *any* release) make it that much more difficult.

The bug you referenced has long been fixed and is part of 2.080.0

Please do report a bug with instructions on how to reproduce if you are still experiencing problems.
How else can we be able to help you?

Also this has nothing to do with the release model, but with Ubuntu throwing out new releases that break a ton of things. So on the contrary if we wouldn't have such a frequent release process, the bug wouldn't have been fixed and released.

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