On 9/1/2018 2:33 PM, Gambler wrote:
Alan Kay, Joe Armstrong, Jim Coplien - just to name a few famous people
who talked about this issue. It's amazing that so many engineers still
don't get it. I'm inclined to put some blame on the recent TDD movement.
They often to seem stress low-level code perfectionism, while ignoring
high-level architecture and runtime resilience (in other words, system

Yup. The worst notions in the industry are:

1. We can make this software bug-free by using Fad Technique X.

2. Since our software has no bugs in it, we needn't concern ourselves with what happens when it fails.

3. If it does fail, since we have no plan for that due to (2), we must let it proceed anyway.

What could possibly go wrong?

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