On Monday, 10 September 2018 at 01:27:20 UTC, Neia Neutuladh wrote:
Not on dlang.org anywhere, but I built a crude version of this. Results are available at http://ikeran.org/report/.

The current backfill is taking the three most recent versions of each package on the ~40 most recent versions of dmd, using a list of dub packages from a couple days ago. Each compiler version takes about six hours, so the backfill will be finished in about ten days. The report should update automatically every 100 builds.

Once that's done, I'll extend the backfill to handle all package versions, have it get new package versions from dub, and get it to discover and download new DMD versions automatically. This shouldn't be a huge change.

My respect, neat.

May I ask why some packages are missing (e.g. `midi-gamepad`)?
A question, how this it currently handle link libraries?

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