On Monday, 10 September 2018 at 13:43:46 UTC, Joakim wrote:
Despite all this, D may never do very well on mobile or AArch64, even though I think it's well-suited for that market. But at the very least, you should be looking at mobile and AArch64, as they're taking over the computing market.

Coming from ARM system programming for embedded systems, I'm also looking into AArch64. Having done some x86 assembly, ARM assembly was a bliss, and AArch64 looks even better!

I also wish D will do well for embedded systems. Most of the system developers I know program in C, and do very little C++ for it becomes unmaintainable (unless you enforce strict coding rules: like using it like "C with class" with very little template). C is straigthforward and gets the job done (ie. Vulkan - as a quite recent API - was written in C, not C++. So D would do so good!

That's why I think "BetterC" is a good strategic move (in the long run) even though I understand people coming from Java/Python background might not get it at all.

If we have a BetterConst (I'm referring to Jonathan Davis article: http://jmdavisprog.com/articles/why-const-sucks.html ), I think D would be even greater.

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