On 9/27/2018 11:33 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:
The current behavior is easy to specify and simple to implement, and it is what Walter has implemented. A better behavior that is almost as simple to implement would be to insert nested functions into the symbol table in blocks of back-to-back-defined nested functions, but that would be a breaking language change at this point. (Maybe you can get a DIP though though.) Otherwise, the template workaround is a bit ugly but it works and is non-intrusive.

Right. Functions tend to be short, and it's very rare that a function cannot be defined before use. One such case is mutually recursive functions. But as Timon showed, there is a simple workaround for this, and has been suggested, a delegate can be used, too.

And as Timon also suggested, the straightforwardness of the existing approach is an advantage and is intended.

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