
CWget can be a great aid in learning the code if you use it as a backup. Find 
somebody on the air doing slow speed code or try to hook up with a patient ham 
like Andy then tune in with CWget and while it is decoding you decode on paper. 
That way if you miss anything CWget will help you fill what you missed. Hook a 
mic near your rig to capture your sidetone and you can see your mistakes 
sending code.

Code comes slow to me and after a few months I am only up to about 10 wpm 
sending and receiving but occasionally get in a groove and get up to 15wpm 
receiving so I know it is just a matter of keeping at it.

I combine on air practice and using the excellent G4FON Morse software

It certainly is a lot easier than when I started and get a good key or paddle. 
The Black Widow paddle is a great inexpensive paddle kit but you'll need to 
spent 2-3 hours sanding and putting it together. But it is a real smooth paddle 
for $64. Find it here http://www.w5jh.net/Black_Widow.htm

Hear me chopping up the air waves give me a shout and we can improve together.

Later Brad

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