Bonnie, thanks.  I am glad to see your reference to 7020 to 7040 for 
digital DX.  I am surprised to see the USA PSK31 ops calling CW on 
7070 but Europeans calling on 7035 with no response.  The Hell 
station I worked from CN8-land the other night, on 7038,  was loud in 
the USA, but no takers.  

Andy K3UK
--- In, "expeditionradio" 
> Hi Andy,
> As of 15 December 2006, the USA "data" subband defined by FCC is
> 7000kHz to 7125kHz. So you are fine at 7035kHz.
g, the trend is heading toward more digital
> keyboarding being used in USA in the 7020kHz-7040kHz part of the 40m
> band, especially for DXing. This is compatible with bandplans and
> actual use of digi keyboarding in the rest of the world. The newer
> keyboarding modes are able to decode better than -13dB SNR, so this
> makes low power DXing a reality for the average USA ham on 40 
>  Throughout most of the world, 7040-7100kHz is filled with QRO SSB.
> The SSB QRM makes 7040-7100kHz somewhat uncompatible with low power
> and weak signal digi keyboarding DXing. 
> 73 Bonnie KQ6XA

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