Good Morning, Bonnie....

It would seem to me that, on the whole, the average Ham in the U.S. is not
actually conversant with the content of information you've provided here.
I'm implying "generally" in my comment.  I wouldn't be surprised to find 
it is probably something only very vaguely understood regarding the scope of
the NCDXF/IARU Beacon Project, The ALE standards, and the IARU frequency
coordination. I don't think the average Ham actually understands the basics
of ALE, nor how it is intended for use, despite what you discuss in forums.

I don't know how widely the information is promulgated in reality, 
regardless of
how available the info is.  Again, I know it's put forth by you in forums 
but how
much of it reaches the general U.S. Ham population outside of those arenas
is unknown to me.

It would seem that there's misconceptions; I myself do not think in terms of
"channelization" as you use it, in fact, it seems most U.S. hams resent the 
of that term for whatever reason (other than the old saw about the "I'll die 
I give up my HF VFO" posturing).  Of course, those are MY words only.

There are some adaptations required for daily ALE ops it "seems" and maybe,
also, a rethink of how Ham Radio is employed and followed today by the
average Ham.  More's the pity, there may be technical and daily adaptations
required to such a degree that the average Ham may resist it because it DOES
involves change and evolution (I remember the advent of SSB vs AM back 

Of course, this is strictly IMOH and YMMV and Burma Shave to boot.  I'm just
commenting off the top and thought I'd post this just for "grins.".

Howard W6IDS
Richmond, IN

----- Original Message ----- 
From: expeditionradio
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2007 1:39 AM
Subject: [digitalradio] Re: 14100.5 kHz USB - ALE Channel Bandwidth, IARU 
Beacon Guardband

> John VE5MU wrote:
> The logic of setting this up with an ALE frequency basically
> on top of the beacons is competely without merit,
> and based on the distorted notion that all hams possess the
> very latest in gear to filter out an ALE TX adjacent to
> the beacon frequency.

Dear John,

The ALE channel is not "on top of" the beacon channel as you suggest.

  >SNIP<  >SNIP< 

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