
At 03:21 PM 10/18/2007, you wrote:
>This is not a dream of mine. This is what eventually will have to be if
>automatic operation is to continue to be permitted on amateur

Its just a dream on your part and other until such time rules ever 
require it Rick.

>  This attitude that the automatic stations are more
>important than human operated stations is simply not a wise position to
>take on a shared service such as we have in amateur radio.

Show me any Amateur Radio operation that is manned 24/7 ready, 
willing and able to accept traffic for relay Rick and I will then 
look upon that operation as having the same level of importance to 
the Amateur Radio Service. As far as I am concerned Amateur Radio 
Operators and Automated Amateur Radio Systems ( HF and above ) that 
are positioned to provide and support Emergency Communications is the 
basis for the continued existence of the Amateur Radio Service in 
this country and most countries in the world.

>No one has to learn any new coding. It has already been invented.

Nothing exists that is not ripe with issues anyway you look at it Rick.

>  The
>issue of busy frequency detection may have been around a long time (and
>rightfully so considering the interference problem from automatic
>stations) and the conventional wisdom was that automatic detection could
>not be done. I don't know if you have used this software, but I
>certainly have used it and it does work.
>I will say this, with the comments made by an increasing number of hams
>like yourself, who either lack technical understanding of hidden
>transmitters or who want to ignore the problem, that I, and also an
>increasing number of hams are becoming less supportive of any automatic
>stations on the congested HF bands. Think about the direction you are
>taking with this anti technology approach and the long term
>ramifications that may come your way in the future.

Rick, think about the direction that you are calling for and the 
ramification that may come your way in the future with such a 
proposition, there you are with important traffic to pass and you 
can't get connected to move it due to some daily QSO going on or 
whatever that either your station or the other station detects ( that 
you may not even hear with your ears) and where they don't hear 
either you or the station that you are looking to work, be it 
attended or not, but where you frequency busy detection that you are 
dreaming about holds off your communications. That's the future that 
you dreaming about my friend, to me, its nothing more than a 
potential nightmare.

You and everyone else should be calling for separate traffic lanes 
(similar to driving down the highway) for Amateur Radio Service 
Traffic Automation if you feel the existence of such systems 
co-mingled with peer-to-peer traffic is such an issue as separation 
and not dreams of busy detection is the only logical answer to your complaints.

/s/ Steve, N2CKH

>Rick, KV9U

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