Hi Rud.

I do not know any program, that introduces errors into bit stream for
protocol tuning purposes. For tuning the decoders in PocketDigi, I
used Moe's WSCGen, which generates test streams of various levels of AWGN.


It is not valid to simulate AWGN in bit stream by flipping bits. All
the advanced decoders use "soft" bits technique, that works with fuzzy
bits. For example, MFSK16 decoder utilizing Viterbi decoder
implemented by Phil Karn KA9Q and used by gMFSK, fldigi and PocketDigi
reads bits quantized to 8 bits, 0 signalizing 100% zero, 255
siganlizing 100% one and 127 dont't know.

Noise may influence not only data stream, but also its synchronization
in time and frequency (AFC). At the end, one needs to evaluate the
whole decoder chain at once. 

One phase error in differential system (psk31, domino) caused by noise
may introduce two successive bit errors. One error in FSK system will
introduce only one bit error.

> Fading: is it valid to simulate fading by removing some bits in the data
> stream?

It depends on the coding and synchronization. If the code is
synchronous and sync lock is slow, it may survive the fading gap. Then
you will get a correct number of bits, which will contain rubbish. An
asynchronous decoder like RTTY will soon be lost, throwing away whole
6-bit symbols.

73, Vojtech

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