Patricia (Elaine) Gibbons wrote:
> It does amaze me to see some members of the amateur radio community
> start whining after public and/or private agencies officially recognize
> ***and support*** the value of the amateur radio service during disaster
> response and recovery operations
Elaine, you are absolutely right. I've been biting my tongue on this.

The reason EOC's install ham equipment is not to replace other full time 
RF needs, it's to supplement it in times of disaster when hams respond.

There is no other groups which fills this need. The govt could not 
afford to pay employees, buy commercial gear, and deploy the people, 
etc. It does not exist. If we don't do it, it will not get done. There 
simply are not enough Red Cross emergency communications vans, etc to go 
around. Period. And it's part of our charter. The very first item 
listed. (more below)

I firsthand < > saw the impact of total 
loss of normal communications and how ham radio was able to fill that 
gap. No, I did not save a life, handheld in my teeth. But we did do 
good, made a difference, and maybe prevented things from deteriorating. 
When there are no communications at all, even very simple 2m and HF nets 
are a quantum leap forward!

And you know what? I'm proud that Amateur radio was able to repay some 
of what we have been granted over the years. I know of several hundred 
non-ham residents in coastal Miss I came in contact with who will be 
very unlikely to support any attack on ham privileges because of the 
exposure we had in Katrina. And that was just my small bit from a week 

To the point that I'm ashamed of all the whining, second guessing, "we  
should not allow emergency service on our bands", "it's a hobby, no 
public service", "they should buy their own freqs & radios" that goes 
around.  I've never seen such a selfish, bitter attitude, and I ashamed 
for all of us.

I'm going to go way back to 1928 and drag something out:

*The Radio Amateur is*

*CONSIDERATE...*never knowingly operates in such a way as to lessen the 
pleasure of others.

*LOYAL...*offers loyalty, encouragement and support to other amateurs, 
local clubs, and the American Radio Relay League, through which Amateur 
Radio in the United States is represented nationally and internationally.

*PROGRESSIVE...*with knowledge abreast of science, a well-built and 
efficient station and operation above reproach.

*FRIENDLY...*slow and patient operating when requested; friendly advice 
and counsel to the beginner; kindly assistance, cooperation and 
consideration for the interests of others. These are the hallmarks of 
the amateur spirit.

*BALANCED...*radio is an avocation, never interfering with duties owed 
to family, job, school or community.

*PATRIOTIC...*station and skill always ready for service to country and 

How does all the whining reconcile with the amateur radio code? No, not 
morse. The operating code we should all try to follow.

I've seen part 97 quoted dozens of times.... How bout reading starting 
at the beginning?

      PART 97

      Subpart A--General Provisions

ยง97.1 Basis and purpose.

The rules and regulations in this Part are designed to provide an 
amateur radio service having a fundamental purpose as expressed in the 
following principles:

(a) Recognition and enhancement of the value of the amateur service to 
the public as a voluntary noncommercial communication service, 
particularly with respect to providing emergency communications.

(b) Continuation and extension of the amateur's proven ability to 
contribute to the advancement of the radio art.

(c) Encouragement and improvement of the amateur service through rules 
which provide for advancing skills in both the communications and 
technical phases of the art.

(d) Expansion of the existing reservoir within the amateur radio service 
of trained operators, technicians, and electronics experts.

(e) Continuation and extension of the amateur's unique ability to 
enhance international goodwill.

Yep, the very first clause (97.1A) speaks very clearly about the role of 
amateur radio. How do all the arguments and rationalizations look when 
you read the purpose as defined by the FCC for amateur radio. Not the 
ARRL. But the folks who carved out and controls the resources we use.

This is a bigger issue than winlink operating style, legal or not. We 
all get annoyed at times at other ops. Some are worse than others.

But the idea that emergency/public service has no place in amateur radio 
is flawed. And to try to use that as an argument to get rid of an 
operating mode you do not like does us all a dis-service.

Should winlinkers listen before initiating contact to a PMBO? 
Absolutely. I think most do. Some may not. Some do, and transmit anyway. 
So what's new, there are rude people all over the bands. Going to ban 
these modes as well?.....

- DX Pileup working split. hundreds of ops stepping on each other, and 
their receiver is not even tuned to the freq they are transmitting on!!!!!
- The SSB sked which "always" meets on .235, and cranks up even though 
they hear weaker sigs at .234
- The RTTY ops running legal limit, mindlessly sending CW contest for 
hours despite the weaker traffic
- Or the equiv SSB op.

So to present that the winlinkers, wide loaders, whatever are unique in 
their issues is disingenuous at best and ignorant at worst.

I personally have seen non-emergency old fart nets on HF argue with 
relief traffic during Katrina as to their "timeslot" for that frequency. 
Our relief group was being dispatched to the next location to relieve 2 
hams who had been manning an ad-hoc county EOC setup in an elementary 
school for 48 hours straight with no relief. No phones, no power, no 
repeaters. The official county EOC which was supposed to be running the 
public service was leveled. Did not exist. Gone. There was no 
communications in/out of the county that did not go via ham radio at 
that point.

So support the petition if you don't like winlink. Myself, I think it's 
mis-directed, and will be ineffective. And I sure hope the supporters 
are as diligent policing all the other folks who inadvertently step on 
someone due to hidden terminal effect for other modes, or just because 
they are inconsiderate.

But no matter what, quit whining about public service. It's part of 
amateur radio. Been there from the beginning. Think of someone other 
than yourself and your favorite mode.

OK, rant over.

We can return to the endless part 97 interpretation questions. :-)



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