To clarify my earlier  comment on web mail - what I was suggesting was
to set up a local (to each node) webmail machine that would then send
SMTP over packet.  The interface between the local ham's equipment and
the LAN clients would be a web browser.  At no time would the http be
going over the air.  (Except maybe a local WiFi link).

Also, it might be easier to set up the web mail server to run text
only and to block large attachments right up front.  While I'm sure
it's still possible to deal with problems the other way, you'd be
stuck having to reject and send back a message that the user had
already clicked "send".

On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 5:19 PM, zl1tbg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The trouble with webmail is too much bandwidth for so little message =
> impossibly slow over a HF link thats why PSKmail etc. make use of  just
> transferring the subject lines rather than downloading everything.

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