This REALLY works! Either I missed this or confused it with Dave 
Bernstein's similar button in the Commander control program. So for any 
other ICOM users who have had this problem, you should be able to solve 
it now.

I think that I am able to properly format the messages to the HFLink net 
system, as I have at least several times had the message come back that 
my message had been forwarded to the Winlink 2000 server, etc. But as I 
mentioned earlier, the messages have not been coming back through to my 
regular e-mail which is not my winlink address. I will try other 
addresses and see if that works.

Thanks again for your tremendous and patient help on this.


Rick, KV9U

Patrick Lindecker wrote:
> Hello Rick,
>  Have you tried to check the "No mouse wheel" option in the "Transceiver" 
> window.
> About the DXLAB or HRD interface with Multipsk, here  is something which 
> can, perhaps, help (extract from the help file):
> ********************
> About Ham Radio Deluxe (software which author is Simon HB9DRV)
> Thanks to Dave (AA6YQ), Ray (N0FY) and Simon Brown (HB9DRV), it is now 
> possible, with the bridge "DXLab_HRD_Bridge104" 
> ( to interface 
> Multipsk and Ham Radio Deluxe (HRD), this to control your transceiver from 
> Multipsk through HRD. This bridge permits to HRD to emulate Commander.
> ...................................
> Specific instructions for Ham Radio Deluxe (HRD)
> For the ones using HRD, you will have to:
>   * start HRD from Simon Brown (HB9DRV),
>   When starting, HRD proposes you to give the parameters of your transceiver 
> before connecting this one (in the goal to extract the frequency reception). 
> Once done, HRD controls your transceiver,
>   * start DXLab_HRD_Bridge104.exe from Dave Bernstein (AA6YQ),
>   * start Multipsk and click on the "Transceiver" button. As soon as you do 
> this, you will see the label "Multipsk is connected with Commander (or 
> HRD)". So it's an emulation of Commander. Then you will do as usual to 
> control the XCVR from Multipsk.
> It seems that the order of start of the different softwares has little 
> importance.
> *****************************
> Note: If LF is necessary for the HFLinknet management (see my email to 
> Alan), I will sent you a test version with transmission of the LF character.
> 73
> Patrick

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