--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, "Andrew O'Brien" <k3uka...@...>

> For 30 mHz and above, try to find a rig that does 6M and 2M, an "all
> mode" where you can do both FM and SSB
> I used to run a packet BBS on 2M FM about 17 years ago.  While there
> is plenty of packet activity in the St Kitts area, I am not sure of
> there is a BBS active or not.  Last I checked for WNY, there were
> none.  Most of packet activity is Flexnet, nodes that link areas for
> emergency communications.
> Getting something other than your handheld's rubber duck will be
> important.  I will be happy to do some 2M FM digital experiments with
> you.  Since I moved I am no longer line of site to your area but
> should be able to work you .  
> Packet radio does fairly quick switching between transmit and receive,
> so you will need a circuit that automates this for your handheld. 
> There are some commercial ones available ,  but they may expect a TNC
> rather than a soundcard PC interface.  I'll leave it to others here to
> advise on that.


I'm already on the prowl for a 6m/2m transceiver in my price range,
though I probably don't know the best places to hunt for one yet. (And
yes, that's also a not-so-subtle way of asking if anyone has any
suggestions. :)  )

Antenna-wise, given that I'm not permitted to make any permanent
modifications, I'm considering a Buddistick to clamp to my patio fence
(and as a potential backpacking-mobile antenna, once I get to that
stage of things).

I've just managed to google my local area's ham club's webpage, NPARC,
and plan on asking them about the local digital infrastructure.

I'll also note that the manual for my current handheld (Kenwood
TH-D7AG) claims it has a built-in TNC, though I have yet to puzzle out
its intricacies.

Thank you for your time,
Daniel Boese, VA3BOS
"Why should I believe that?"

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