The FlexRadio products are driven from a sound card. This uses a low frequency 
IF and quadrature mixing for image rejection. The HPSDR from TAPR converts 
directly to and from RF using a high-speed DAC and ADC. At this point it 
produces only a few milliwatts and needs an external power amlifier. I haven't 
seen any other COTS transceivers with an IF input. Some of the Icom and AOR 
receivers have a 10.7 MHz IF output. F4DAN ( 
has a list of SDR projects.

In my own case, I can tap into the IF of my home-made transceivers so I've been 
working on FPGA-based IF modems. See the TAPR newsletter and QEX for a partial 



  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jerry Maine 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 02:35 UTC
  Subject: [digitalradio] Direct driving IF

  Is there any radio that has a way to directly drive the IF signal? And 
  can a regular sound card be able to directly drive the IF signal?

  Jerry -- KF5ADY


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