I suggest that the "Mode" column contain the "Operating Mode", e.g. CW,
Olivia, RTTY, Pactor3. We don't really care what mode a user's transceiver
is set to...

Having the each user's grid square and "region" (SA, NA-E, NA-M, NA-W, EU-E,
EU-W, AF-N, AF-S, AS, AN, OC) would be helpful for beam heading and
propagation purposes.

If successful, a simple listing of online participants would be
overwhelming. The ability to easily filter the list is fundamental, e.g.
"show me everyone QRV Olivia on 20m".


         Dave, AA6YQ

-----Original Message-----
From: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com [mailto:digitalra...@yahoogroups.com]on
Behalf Of Andy obrien
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 7:00 PM
To: digitalradio
Subject: [digitalradio] "Who Is Where Now" : Idea, needs inventor

Take at look at this "fake" web page

I was thinking about the idea of a "reverse DX cluster" or an
expansion of the concepts behind hrdlog.net . A plce to see who is
QRV and where they are on the bands. Not DX spots, just who is where.
I had some private emails with a few people about the varying ideas
and one correspondent crystallized the thoughts by using the term "who
is where, now" ? It was further suggested that what is needed to
facilitate the concept is a very easy uncomplicated process that does
not take a lots of resources or bandwidth. An idea that is easily
enabled in most common log book software after one configures that
software to interface with your rig. The idea would take the
frequency/mode info that all moderns rigs send, and populate a webpage
via use of TCP or UDP, possibly in to a XML format.

I created the fake webpage in the link above to start the idea
rolling, an idea of what it may look like . The page I put together
is fairly crude, just something to start the idea cooking.

This would be a idea that is "free" , no having to pay an annual fee
like some logging programs already require.

So, do we have any talent here that could take the idea and create it?
Then we could host it (I would volunteer) and try to persuade popular
logging/rig control software authors to support it by adding the
ability to send the data strings from their software.

Anyone take the idea further?

Andy K3UK

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