If I understand the concept correctly, this basically is "self-spotting" - 
which I believe to be a great idea. It certainly would not be allowed in 
contest scenarios, but for most users it would be a wonderful resource.

I now  use Dave's (AA6YQ) DXLab SpotCollector program for cluster management. 
It's an excellent program which allows you to view spots using almost any 
imaginable filter. You can see spots by band, counry, mode, callsign, state, 
LoTW, etc. - or any combination.

A program or online page providing the capabilities of SpotColletor to filter 
results could really make the "Who is Now Where" application a powerful - and 
POPULAR - resource.

Instead of spotting someone else, you are just spotting yourself either 
manually or (preferably) your logging program polls your rig and does it for 

Bob - K3MQ

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