Lots of good or interesting opinions expressed in this discussion.

- But we all know about opinions... Everybody's got one.

Here are some of the relevant FACTS, the framework within we must not stray 
with our opinions:

§97.101 General standards.
(a) In all respects not specifically covered by FCC Rules each amateur station 
must be operated in accordance with good engineering and good amateur practice.

(b) Each station licensee and each control operator must cooperate in selecting 
transmitting channels and in making the most effective use of the amateur 
service frequencies. No frequency will be assigned for the exclusive use of any 

(c) At all times and on all frequencies, each control operator must give 
priority to stations providing emergency communications, except to stations 
transmitting communications for training drills and tests in RACES.

(d) No amateur operator shall willfully or maliciously interfere with or cause 
interference to any radio communication or signal. 

Note in 97.101(a) the reference to good amateur practice. The accepted 
documentation of good amateur practice is THE AMATEURS CODE, which you can 
reference here:


Note that if your IQ is bigger than your shoe size, then you will know without 
doubt that transmitting a signal without listening first on a regular basis is 
going to cause harmful interference. This means the resulting inteference falls 
within the 'willful or malicious' category. - Assuming of course that your IQ 
is bigger than your shoe size. WinLink and automated ALE sounder folks take 


§97.109 Station control.

(d) When a station is being automatically controlled, the control operator need 
not be at the control point. Only stations specifically designated elsewhere in 
this Part may be automatically controlled. Automatic control must cease upon 
notification by a District Director that the station is transmitting improperly 
or causing harmful interference to other stations. Automatic control must not 
be resumed without prior approval of the District Director.

It looks like the FCC District Director is the one to talk to about WinLink and 
ALE-sounding related interference.


§97.113 Prohibited transmissions.
(a) No amateur station shall transmit:

      (1) Communications specifically prohibited elsewhere in this Part;

      (5) Communications, on a regular basis, which could reasonably be 
furnished alternatively through other radio services. 

Take a look at SailMail http://www.sailmail.com/ which is identical in almost 
every respect to WinLink. Then carefully read 97.113(a,5).

What does this tell you about WinLink?

73 DE Charles Brabham, N5PVL

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