obrienaj wrote:
> I'm all for a good digital mode rag-chew...but allow me to be the
> Grinch on Boxing Day and gripe about digital ops that take FOREVER to
> sign-off when working DXpeditions and the like.  Today when trying to
> work a needed entity ,  and with a fading band, I had to patiently
> wait my turn while others that had got through were sending such none
> sense as how many QSO's they had had in the particular digital mode
> and the exact  time and date they had logged the QSO.  Do we really
> need to know when you LOGGED the station you were JUST working?
> I did work the DX, but I can complain too, right ?

You are not the first one to notice that so many digital ops seem 
especially "windy" when it comes to any sort of contact. Even during a 
normal rag chew I can't say I really care what version of OS they use, 
whether or not they built their own PC, etc. AS you say all this sort of 
stuff is tolerable in a regular QSO but really aggravating if you're 
waiting for a tasty DX station for an area you need.

Maybe if we took away the macro function?  :-)

Merry Christmas and 73 to all,

Tim, N9PUZ

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