Dave wrote:
> Jose (and all),
> My two-cents worth:  
> Olivia is MFSK (or AMFSK), ROS is Spread Spectrum.  MFSK is legal on HF, SS 
> is not.  
> It isn't about bandwidth or any of the other arguments.  Since ROS is Spread 
> Spectrum then it is not allowed on HF in areas regulated by the FCC under the 
> current rules.  Skip is correct here and Andy is right to be concerned. 

So, American Radio Amateurs are, now, more restricted than other Radio 
Amateurs in the world?

Forgive me.  Ever since I was a CBer the USA seemed to have less 
restrictive laws compared to here in the UK and now we've had more 
allocated bands than in the US and less restrictive modes than in the US.

The land of the free?  LOL

Sorry, I couldn't resist this after all the years of being told that I 
was living under an oppressive government.

Dave (G0DJA)

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