KH6TY wrote:
> Only the ARRL technical staff has ruled it to be spread spectrum and 
> therefore not legal on HF under FCC jurisdiction. However, the FCC 
> itself has not ruled yet, so it may still be found to be legal. We will  
> not know until the FCC issues an opinion. My personal guess is that they 
> will say it is legal as long as the bandwidth never exceeds that of a 
> SSB phone signal, even though it is FHSS.

I've just made a suggestion on the ROS Yahoo Group that the discussion 
may warrant its own Yahoo Group to debate the ins and outs of this question.

It may be that, in the not so distant future, debates from others who 
are pro and anti the mode, based upon their reading of a variety of 
licence conditions in various countries, could then be directed to the 
area for debating these issues.

Thus leaving the Digitalradio and ROSMODEM groups free to discuss the 
practicalities and enjoyment of using digital modes and ROS free from 
the endless debate about what is 'Illegal, immoral, or makes you fat'.

Thanks - Dave (G0DJA)

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