Following the recent discussions about the US license restrictions I was 
looking through the archive of QST mags at 

On April 22, 1976 the FCC introduced Docket 20777, the QST report (page June 
1976) says 

"Rather than further complicate the present rules," the Commission said, "with 
additional provisions to accomodate the petitioners' requests, we are herein 
proposing to delete all references to specific emission types in Part 97 of the 
Rules. "We propose, instead," the Commission continued, "to replace the present 
provisions with limitations on the permissible bandwidth which an amateur 
signal may occupy in the various amateur frequency bands. Within the authorised 
limitations any emission would be permitted." 

It would seem that deletion of emission types from Part 97 is exactly what is 
needed now to permit experimentation. Perhaps the FCC should be asked to 
re-introduce Docket 20777 



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