Jeremy Cowgar wrote:
> What the SignaLink has going for it over the Nomic (which is what I own) 
> is a built in sound card. Thus, you do not have to fuss with trying to 
> share a sound card w/your system. i.e. listen to the popular digital 
> frequencies and your bound to hear a windows "Ding" message now and 
> then. That's the least of the problem, however, the real problem is you 
> listen to your MP3 player on the computer, turn the volume up a bit then 
> go to use digital modes. Now you have to readjust your output, of which 
> you will forget now and then, everyone does, and you'll be over-driving 
> your transmitter producing horrible tones that causes interference for all.
> So... had I to do it again, I'd go the SignaLink.
> Maybe SignaLink owners can speak up, would any of you rather had a 
> Nomic? BTW... I solved the above problems by adding an additional sound 
> card to my system that is devoted to the ham radio.
> Also... one other thing to think about... I know you didn't mention RTTY 
> or CW, but you may want to look into an interface that provides the 
> ability to key your transmitter for CW and for FSK RTTY. You can do RTTY 
> w/o FSK by using AFSK but typically if you use FSK RTTY you benefit from 
> some functions your radio may provide (nice filters for one).
> Also... one more thing :-D ... for either, I'd see if it can connect to 
> your rear accessory port instead of interfacing through your mic port. 
> That may be a personal preference but I think it's just less hassles to 
> deal with in setup and every day operations.
> Jeremy

don't ask me anything about Yaesu (hate red-orange screens) - it is all I can 
do to keep up with my Icoms and my KWs.  I have a separate SL/USB on both my 
TS480 and my IC Pro3.   both are hooked up thru the "rear" accy ports which 
allow me to  talk as quickly as my message is sent.  this is as automatic as 
it can get, and I can only suggest that you buy a share in MixW and use that 
program.  I even bought a refurbed T-41 ThinkPad to run the doze programs on 
it as that was the fastest and simplest way to go.  that way I keep the 
minimum software on the XP and I do all else on my MacPro.

As a MARS station, I have to be able to receive and pass SoundCard, Pactor 
and Telnet as well as SSB nets, etc.  So, this set up allows me to send 
Pactor while I am relaying or supporting NCS activities and traffic.  Using 
MixW I can stop talking, press a button on the laptop, send or relay traffic 
via soundcard and immediately resume talking after sending the message.

I can take messages received via MixW and paste them into WL2K and either 
send them via telnet or via Pactor using the same program.  All of this is 
done with two radios, two SL/USBs, a laptop and two antennas.  Additional of 
course are tuners and amplifiers, scanners and printers and necesary coax 
switches, SWR/wattmeters, power supplies, etc.




--   k5dam  Houston, TX

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