Given the author's animosity toward certain hams, the fact that he stated he 
was doing a persona non grata list, the fact that he DID do a list, and his 
propensity to be untruthful in general, I would be VERY hesitant to install his 
software on my computer!  Even more so if I was on his list!

It's been established that his software is doing things he isn't telling people 
about ( the call reporting ) and that can't be turned off!

He isn't a ham!

He doesn't understand the ham community and doesn't make any effort to do so.

He's deliberately hardcoding calling frequencies into his software and in some 
cases multiple frequencies in crowded bands.

I don't know about YOU, but to me this ALL adds up to a VERY BAD picture.

As for the 3000 people that are being quiet on this list, how much of that is 
that they don't want to be singled out by a psychotic non-ham software author 
for inclusion in his list??

His software is illegal for a significant portion of the ham community to use 
below 1.5m, yet he insists on pushing that use of his software?

Sorry,  I was interested initially in ROS, but given all of the above and all 
the rest that hasn't been stated in this msg, I'll probably be the last one to 
try his software AFTER everyone else has survived!



----- Original Message ----- From: 



Why not give it a serious try? It's is worth getting to the bottom of this
or perhaps not, Are we all becoming zombies?
You are sort of accusing the author without really trying or proof.

Some 3000 People on this reflector. Silence, silence.

There has to be many on this board that can answer that question. If you 
do not want to show who you are. contact me of the reflector 
I will keep your input just between you and me.

Don't want to be involved. Please let me just play. I am tired, don't bother me

73 Rein W6SZ 

-----Original Message-----
>From: "John Becker, WØJAB" <>
>Sent: Jul 9, 2010 2:18 PM
>Subject: RE: [digitalradio] ROS are sending data from your PC
>I think many would like to have a answer once and for all
>on this issue if some have been "banned" from using the 
>John, W0JAB
>digitalradio co moderator
>At 12:54 PM 7/9/2010, you wrote:
>>Could this ROS discussion be taken offline or elsewhere? 
>>I expect others, like I, are sick of the rehashing. (And if you are sick
>>please don't reply in support of this message - that would be as bad as the
>> - 73 - 
>>Rud Merriam K5RUD 

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